With Knack, your top classmates become your tutors. Struggling with an assignment or class? Just a tap of your finger allows you to find and meet up with a student near you that has aced the exact class.
Learn exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it, from a peer tutor.
Knack Tutors are course-specific and students at your university, just like you!
Meet up with them right now (on-demand), or schedule a Knack Session for later.
Price varies based on the tutors level of experience - all sessions are prorated and billed to the minute.
Aced a course? Sign up to tutor and be your own boss – accept sessions whenever you want!
Download the app and navigate to the bottom of the sidebar. Click ‘Become a Tutor’ and upload or snap a photo of your transcript right through the app to start tutoring today!